Health Facts

Goat Milk

Worldwide, people drink more goat milk than any other milk from a single animal. There are many reasons for this preference:

Health Benefits Versus Milk

  • Goat milk is higher in Calcium and Lower in Cholesterol
  • Goats produce A2 Beta casein milk
  • Richer in Vitamin A, potassium, phosphorus and niacin than regular cow’s milk.
  • It contains more essential fatty acids in the Omega 6 series than regular cow milk. These fats become a quick source of energy and are not stored as body fat.
  • Has 13% less lactose than your average cow’s milk and contains smaller fat and protein particles making it easier to digest.
  • Great for prevention of heart disease since its fats reduce the total cholesterol levels and maintains adequate levels of triglycerides and transaminases.
  • Goat calcium is highly bioavailable and favors improvement in bone formation parameters
  • There is more zinc and selenium than regular cow milk which helps the immune system work properly and stimulates the activity of over 100 enzymes within the body.
  • It is one of the best sources of bioorganic sodium that aids in digestion and has 134% more potassium, 3 times more niacin and 4 times more copper than regular cow milk.

Good for People with Cow Milk Allergies

Goat milk contains less lactose than cow milk. In many cases, people with cow milk allergies have no trouble consuming goat milk. Unlike cow milk, goat milk does not contain agglutinin and as result of fat molecules does not cluster together making them easier to digest.

Great for Babies

Goat milk is also one of the best starter formulas for children. Both the fat and protein molecules in goat milk are smaller than those present in cow milk, making it easier to digest. It is also has many nutrients that make is similar to human milk.

Organic Jersey Milk

Jersey cows traditionally are the preferred family milk cow due to their quiet disposition and nutrient milk that boasts on average 18% more protein and 20% more calcium than the average Holstein cow milk.  

Jersey cow milk predominately contains the A2 Beta Casein protein. Research suggests milk containing more A2 Beta Caseins may be healthier than milk with higher levels of the A1 type of protein, and that it is sometimes easier to digest for people with Dairy and Lactose Intolerance.

Also many people are choosing organic milk over conventional milk due to these reasons:


A recent study published in the Journal of Dairy Science showed that organic milk has different proportions of fatty acids including much higher levels (3-5 times more) of beneficial polyunsaturated fats such as conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs) and some types of omega 3 fatty acids.

Animal Welfare

Like us, cows benefit from fresh air and exercise. Organic cows have access to pasture when the weather permits. And they are fed a high proportion of forage in their all organic diet. Forage is a more natural food for cattle, and results in a healthier animal and healthier milk.

Locally Processed

Our Organic Jersey milk for our Rock Ridge Dairy products comes from a single source. It comes from Van Os Dairy in Wetaskiwin.  This hardworking, dedicated family takes great pride in their Organic Jersey cows.

Environmentally Friendly

Organic production doesn’t add herbicides, pesticides, or fungicides to the land and therefore doesn’t contribute these chemicals to the pollution of air and water. It also doesn’t include genetically modified organisms, synthetic hormones or antibiotics. Supporting local organic is about keeping our environment clean.

The Alberta Dairy Association’s Organic milk program regulates the standards, and accredited agents carry out inspections and review documentation to ensure organic farms are meeting certification requirements.